In last week’s
column (January 12, 2016 Patient Safety Tip of the Week “New
Resources on Improving Safety of Healthcare IT”) we again mentioned the
problem of entering data or orders on the wrong patient. Our Patient Safety Tips of the Week for May
20, 2008 “CPOE
Unintended Consequences – Are Wrong Patient Errors More Common?” and July
17, 2012 “More
on Wrong-Patient CPOE” discussed many of the reasons such errors occur and
noted some of the tools that have been used to minimize the chances of such
In that 2008 column
we noted the following factors that contribute to wrong patient errors:
Remote order entry
First and foremost
is the fact that with CPOE orders are often being entered remotely, that is not
at the patient’s bedside. We previously cited examples of unintended
consequences of remote order entry. ISMP had an example of a nonventilated patient inadvertently being given a paralytic
agent. This occurred in part because the ordering physician was entering orders
from a remote site and accidentally ordered this, not recognizing the patient was
not ventilated (ISMP
One might argue that
in the old paper-based system we also often enter orders remotely. We often
take a chart from the patient chart rack in the nursing station and enter
orders there. Certainly one could pick up the wrong chart and begin writing
orders there. But there are several factors that probably make it more likely
during CPOE and you need to address them during your CPOE implementation to
minimize the risk of this unintended consequence. Below are 5 common scenarios
that can lead to entering orders on the wrong patient via CPOE:
Patient name and other ID items not appearing on every
We’ve seen systems
where navigation clicks or scrolling remove these critical identifiers from the
screen. You need to ensure that the name and other identifiers remain anchored
at the top of every screen of your CPOE system. (And remember to make your
identifiers consistent with your Joint Commission compatible patient
identification policy).
The cursor/stylus or juxtaposition error
The same error one sees with selecting a drug from a
drop-down list obviously can also occur when selecting a patient from a
drop-down list. Both are juxtaposition errors but we often call this a cursor
error when it occurs while using a larger data entry device, and a stylus error
when using a smartphone or tablet as an entry device. There errors are probably
more common with the latter devices. There are no quick fixes for these, though
thoughtful screen layouts can minimize the risk of these errors.
The “truncated scroll” syndrome and similar names
When searching for a
specific patient, the results list may be longer than the current screen. The
physician may simply pick the last name on the screen if it looks like the one
he/she is looking for, failing to realize that there may be more patients with
that name (he/she would have to continue scrolling the list to see them). You
need to attempt to prevent your patient searches from “splitting” patients with
like names in any screen window (or otherwise alert the user to scroll because
there may be more similar names).
You would be
surprised to see how often patients with the same or very similar names may be
hospitalized at the same time. Shojania (Shojania 2003) described a near-miss related to patients having the same last name and
noted that a survey on his medical service over a 3-month period showed
patients with the same last names on 28% of the days. The problem is even more
significant on neonatal units, where multiple births often lead to many
patients with the same last name being hospitalized at the same time and
medical record numbers being similar except for one digit. Gray et al. (Gray 2006) found multiple patients with the same last
names on 34% of all NICU days during a full calendar year, and similar sounding
names on 9.7% of days. When similar-appearing medical records numbers were also
included, not a single day occurred where there was no risk for patient
misidentification. Both these studies were on relatively small services so one
can anticipate that the risks of similar names is much higher when the entire
hospitalized patient population is in the database.
The dual system issue
Some CPOE systems
that have limited integration with other systems, such as a radiology PACS
system. It is not uncommon for a physician to look at information on that other
system while trying to input orders into the CPOE system. Since they are two different
systems, it is possible to be looking at two different patients in the two
systems. You therefore need to ensure that when the physician moves between
these two systems the same patient must be visible on each system. That means
you need to develop a way to launch the other application and port the patient
identification information to the other application.
The failure to log off issue
This occurs when a
physician leaves the order entry screen temporarily without logging off and a
second physician comes by and leaves orders on a patient (without logging on
separately). The first physician then returns to the screen and assumes that
he/she is still entering orders on the original patient.
The wrong patient
error has been in the spotlight again recently. Green and Adelman, who have
developed some of the excellent tools we’ve mentioned in previous columns,
published an excellent example in a recent AHRQ Web M&M (Green 2016). This was an
incident where a new receptionist, learning a new EHR, registered a patient who
was new to the practice but had the same name and age as an existing patient in
the practice (but different birth dates). The error was noted only when lab
results were sent to the previously existing patient, who called the practice
to note he had not had any labwork done. Green and
Adelman note that wrong patient errors are actually more common in outpatients,
being almost double the rate seen in the emergency department.
Green and Adelman stress the importance of training for
anyone performing patient registration and note there are certification
programs available.
In our July 17, 2012
on Wrong-Patient CPOE” discussed many of the reasons such errors occur and
noted some of the tools developed by Adelman and colleagues to minimize the
chances of such occurring (Adelman 2013). The
intervention tools they developed were simple yet elegant. The “ID-verify
alert” was triggered by opening an order entry screen and prompted the
physician with the patient name, gender and age and the physician was required
to acknowledge that was the correct patient before being allowed to proceed
with order entry. The “ID-reentry function” prevents the provider from
accessing the order entry screen until he/she re-enters the patient’s initials,
gender and age. These interventions were piloted in a randomized fashion. While
the “ID-verify alert” reduced errors by 16%, the “ID-reentry function” reduced
them by 41%.
Patient photographs
have been used in attempt to reduce the risk of wrong patient errors. Our June
26, 2012 Patient Safety Tip of the Week “Using
Patient Photos to Reduce CPOE Errors”) highlighted an intervention developed
by Children’s Hospital of Colorado (Hyman
2012) in which a patient verification prompt accompanied by photos of the
patient reduced the frequency of wrong patient order entry errors. But photographs
are not foolproof and need to be updated regularly. In the hospital setting, in
particular, patients may be difficult to identify from prior photographs
because of trauma, surgery, etc. We further discussed patient photographs in
detail in our April 30, 2013 Patient Safety Tip of the Week “Photographic
Identification to Prevent Errors”.
are likely the next generation of patient identification tools (Davis
2016). These include not only fingerprints but things like retinal scans, iris
patterns, palm patterns, vein patterns, etc. Those of you who have struggled
unlocking your iPhones with your thumbprint will readily recognize that even
these biometric techniques are not infallible. Facial recognition software is
also evolving as another potential tool.
One added dimension
to the problem of correct patient identification has to do with interoperability
of IT systems. As patients get services at different hospitals, multiple labs, radiology
practices, etc. multiple medical records are established with different
identification numbers. As of yet we do not have a universal patient
identifier. In lieu of such a universal identifier, various algorithms are used
to attempt to match patients at one facility with the same patient at another
facility in what is known as a master patient index or MPI. Algorithms
may contain bits and pieces of a patient’s first and last names, social
security number, date of birth, and other items to come up with an
identification code that is very likely to identify the patient correctly at
both facilities. However, such algorithms are not failsafe and
misidentification does occur.
A recent survey of AHIMA
health information professionals revealed that more than half of respondents
noted they routinely have to try to mitigate against duplicate patient records (Dooling
2016). That same survey showed gaps in the quality
improvement processes applying to registration or tracking such patient
matching errors routinely. The barriers identified include: registration staff
turnover, record matching/patient search terminology and/or algorithms, lack of
resources to correct duplicates, inadequate information governance policy
support, and lack of executive support. The authors note that reliable and
accurate calculation of the duplicate rate is critical to reducing potential
patient safety risks.
Both the Green and
Adelman article and the AHIMA survey point out the importance of including
those involved in patient registration in quality improvement and patient
safety activities. A recent Canadian study (Campbell 2015) did a qualitative and observational
evaluation of patient identification practices in the Pre-Admission Clinic,
Admitting Department and the Perioperative Care Center and uncovered confusion,
with 90% of patient verification occurrences not matching current policies. The
authors conclude these discrepancies identify an opportunity to reassess and
standardize workflow, clarify what identification methods are acceptable and
determine additional appropriate identification verification practices with ID
bracelets and patient charts.
Last week we also
mentioned the SAFER guides from the Office of the National Coordinator
for Health Information Technology (ONC 2014). One of the
modules in the SAFER guides is on ensuring accurate patient identification. It
includes both a checklist for organizational self-assessment and recommendations
for improvement.
And, of course, not all solutions are high tech. In our August 2015 What's
New in the Patient Safety World column “Newborn
Name Confusion” we discussed another study by Adelman and colleagues
in which they applied their “retract and reorder” (RAR) tool to assess the
impact of a change in naming conventions
for newborns (Adelman
2015). Hospitals need to create a name for each newborn promptly on
delivery because the families often have not yet decided on a name for their
baby. Most hospitals have used the nonspecific convention “Baby Boy” Jones or
“Baby Girl” Jones. A suggested alternative uses a more specific naming
convention. It uses the first name of the mother. For example, it might be “Wendysgirl Jones”. Montefiore Medical Center switched to
this new naming convention in its 2 NICU’s in July 2013 and the RAR tool was
used to measure the impact on wrong patient errors. Wrong patient error rates measured in the one year after
implementation of the new more specific naming protocol were 36% fewer than in the year prior to
Patient misidentification and wrong patient orders or
charting are significant threats to patient safety. We all need to be vigilant
and track such errors as part of our regular quality improvement activities. We
also need to learn from others and adopt best practices as they are discovered.
See some of our other
Patient Safety Tip of the Week columns dealing with unintended consequences of
technology and other healthcare IT issues:
ISMP (Institute for Safe Medication Practices). Remote CPOE
error—a situation that’s more than remotely possible. ISMP Medication Safety
Alert! Acute Care Edition. May 31, 2007
Shojania KG. AHRQ Web M&M Case
and Commentary. Patient Mix-Up. February 2003
Gray JE, Suresh G, Ursprung R,
Edwards WH, et al. Patient Misidentification in the Neonatal Intensive Care
Unit: Quantification of Risk. Pediatrics 2006; 117: e43-e47
Green RA, Adelman J. New Patient Mistakenly Checked in as
Another. AHRQ PSNet Web M&M 2016; January 2016
Adelman JS, Kalkut GE, Schechter CB, et al. Understanding and
preventing wrong-patient electronic orders: a randomized controlled trial. J
Am Med Inform Assoc 2013; 20(2): 305-310 Published online 29 June 2012
Hyman D, Laire M, Redmond D, Kaplan DW. The Use of Patient Pictures
and Verification Screens to Reduce Computerized Provider Order Entry Errors. Pediatrics 2012; 130: 1-9 Published online June 4, 2012 (10.1542/peds.2011-2984)
Davis J. Raymond Aller: Biometrics
a crucial next step for patient safety. HealthcareITNews
January 7, 2016
Dooling J, Fernandes L,
Kirby A, et al. Survey: Patient Matching Problems Routine in Healthcare.
Journal of AHIMA 2016; January 6, 2016
Campbell K, Muniak A, Rothwell S,
et al. Improving Quality and Safety through Positive Patient Identification.
Healthcare Quarterly 2015; 18(3): 56-60
ONC (Office of the
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology). SAFER GUIDES—Safety
Assurance Factors for EHR Resilience. 2014
Adelman J, Aschner J, Schechter C,
et al. Use of Temporary Names for Newborns and Associated Risks. Pediatrics 2015;
Published online July 13, 2015
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