What’s New in the Patient Safety World

January 2019

Pediatric Health and Safety Guide



Most of our patient safety columns are aimed at hospitals and healthcare professionals. But, particularly for children, parents play a huge role in safety. Recently, we came across an excellent resource for parents regarding pediatric safety. The Pediatric Health and Safety Guide (ACLS Training Center 2018) covers practical safety issues and has links to good resources.


Topics included:

·       Home Safety Guides

·       Neighborhood Safety Information

·       School and Bus Safety

·       Choking Hazards

·       Travel Safety

·       Water Safety

·       Food Allergies

·       Outdoor Safety

·       Poison Prevention and Safety


Excellent resource with good, practical tips. Point your patients and your own families to this. Not a pediatrician or family medicine physician? Don’t worry. Most of your patients have children or grandchildren. This is a good read for all ages.






ACLS Training Center®. Pediatric Health and Safety Guide. ACLS Training Center®. 2018; Dec 3, 2018






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