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Failure to rescue (FTR) is a fairly frequent claim in malpractice and wrongful death
suits. And one of the biggest reasons for failure to rescue is failure to
recognize signs of clinical deterioration in a patient at a time when an
intervention could be beneficial. So, health systems have often looked to early
warning systems (EWS) and rapid response teams (RRTs) as an answer to this
problem. But keep in mind that a good early warning scoring system is only as
good as what you do with any alerts generated. The literature on early warning
scoring systems and rapid response teams has shown mixed and inconsistent
results in terms of actual patient outcomes. Our many columns on both those
issues (listed below) have demonstrated our ambiguity and uncertainty about the
value of these systems.
December 1, 2020 Patient Safety Tip of the Week An
Early Warning System and Response System That Work discussed one successful implementation at
the 21-hospital (Escobar
et al. (Fischer 2021) recently published a review on rapid
response teams as a patient safety practice for failure to rescue. They
acknowledge that the evidence to determine if RRTs decrease mortality or
intensive care unit (ICU) transfer rate is inconclusive. Their review is based
on a paper from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ 2020).
Two meta-analyses demonstrated decreased hospital mortality
rates after RRT implementation: 1.93% vs 1.95% (Maharaj
2015) and
1.56% vs 1.62% (Solomon
2016) but
a 2010 meta-analysis of 15 studies (Chan
2010) found
no overall difference in mortality associated with RRT implementation. The
heterogeneity and some methodological issues of prior studies have also clouded
the interpretations. Fischer et al. note there is moderate evidence that RRTs
are associated with reduced secondary outcomes, such as ICU transfer rate and
non-ICU cardiac arrests.
included inadequate activation mechanisms, poor institutional culture, and lack
of leadership support.
One potential unintended consequence almost never looked at
in studies on RRTs is whether activation of an RRT results in other adverse
events due to focus on the case needing the RRT. Our February 2017 What's New in the Patient Safety World column BOGO Applies to Adverse
Events, Too noted a study from the University of
Chicago on 13 med-surg wards where rapid
response teams were used (Volchenboum 2016). The researchers looked at cardiac arrests and
urgent transfers to ICUs. They found that in the 6-hour window following a
cardiac arrest or urgent transfer to ICU, the likelihood of a second similar
event increased 18%. And if 2 events occurred the likelihood of a third event
on that ward increased 53%. These results remained statistically significant
when the time window was changed to 3 hours or 12 hours after the first event.
authors explained the findings by likely diversion of resources to critically
ill patients, resulting in less attention to other patients on the ward. Anyone
who has observed all the events taking place on a ward when a patient has a
cardiac arrest or other critical event would not be surprised that less attention
gets paid to other patients on the ward. But this is the first time, to our
knowledge, that anyone has formally quantified this phenomenon. The authors
stress that although the absolute increased risk was small, these events were
associated with high morbidity and mortality.
when key personnel from the unit are needed to work with the Rapid Response
Team, you should always designate someone to maintain surveillance over the
remaining patients on the unit. And that should be an element covered in your
training for Rapid Response Teams.
It is
highly unlikely that we will ever see a randomized clinical trial (RCT) on RRTs,
so they are likely here to stay. They certainly make sense in theory and in
practical terms. We suggest you go back to our December 1, 2020 Patient Safety
Tip of the Week An
Early Warning System and Response System That Work and use the lessons from the ( implementation
of both an early warning system and rapid response team systemEscobar
et al. (Cullinane 2021) recently added another component connecting
the early warning system and the rapid response team the surgical safety
huddle. The researchers introduced the surgical safety huddle to an acute general
surgical ward in March 2019. A multidisciplinary team (physiotherapists, staff
nurses and clinical nurse managers of the ward, the on-call surgical registrar)
plus the deteriorating patient team would huddle in front of the ward
whiteboard. Huddles lasted no longer than 15 minutes. The primary focus was
identification of the deteriorating patient to intervene early and prevent
failure to rescue. Huddles began with a formalized script and a
checklist-style huddle observation tool was used.
to the introduction of the surgical huddle, 110 patients with NEWS >7 were audited.
Twenty-eight of these patients (25%) had a poor outcome at 72 hours. Three patients
had a delayed transfer to the intensive care unit (ICU)
and 25 patients had persistently elevated NEWS after 72 hours. A Pareto chart
was used to show the main factors contributing to poor outcomes. Lack of
compliance with NEWS recording by nursing staff and lack of escalation to the
appropriate medical team, as well as delays in medical review, were some of the
factors leading to a poor outcome for patients.
introduction of the surgical huddle and the deteriorating patient team, the
interval between cardiac arrests increased more than sixfold. Six months after introduction
of the surgical huddle, 64 patients with NEWS >7 were reviewed, and only 3
of these patients (4.7%) had a poor outcome at 72 hours. That reduction from
25% to 4.7% more than surpassed their original target reduction of poor
outcomes of 50%.
or concerns in patients clinical conditions were voiced at the huddle and
interventions were proactive rather than reactive. The watcher
concept was introduced to highlight patients at risk of deterioration that
might not be reflected in their NEWS score (such as high risk of falls,
preoperative patients, or patients for whom their family had expressed
significant concern). Preemptive postoperative chest physiotherapy and
identification of patients at risk of venous thromboembolism were other
proactive measures adopted. If there was a clinical concern regarding a
deteriorating patient, a medical review and/or sepsis screen were usually
warranted. A management plan was conveyed to the intern and the primary team
responsible for the patient. The initial concerns and recommended outcomes were
recorded using the huddle observation tool. Later in the day, the
deteriorating patient team would review the patient to ensure those clinical
actions were implemented and the patient was responding accordingly. Data
recorded in the huddle observation tool and deviations or noncompliance with
the recommended actions were used in monthly reviews by a member of the
deteriorating patient team and shared with relevant stakeholders.
no formal cost-effectiveness analysis was done, the researchers predicted it
would be very cost effective because of likely reductions in both hospital LOS
and ICU LOS.
was not an easy project to carry out. Cullinane et al. detail the many barriers
encountered along the way. But their results are pretty
impressive and the concept of the surgical safety huddle is worthy of
your consideration.
Our other columns on rapid response teams:
Some of our other columns on MEWS or
recognition of clinical deterioration:
CP, Bilimoria KY, Ghaferi AA. Rapid Response Teams as
a Patient Safety Practice for Failure to Rescue. JAMA 2021; Published online
June 24, 2021
(Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality). Making Healthcare Safer III: A
Critical Analysis of Existing and Emerging Patient Safety Practices. AHRQ; 2020.
March 2020
R, Raffaele I,Wendon J.
Rapid response systems: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Crit Care 2015; 19(1):
RS, Corwin GS, Barclay DC, et al. Effectiveness of rapid response teams on
rates of in-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest and mortality. J Hosp Med 2016; 11(6):
PS, Jain R, Nallmothu BK, et al. Rapid response
teams: a systematic review and
Arch Intern Med 2010; 170(1): 18-26
SL, Mayampurath
A, Gφksu-Gόrsoy
G, et al. Association between In-Hospital Critical Illness Events and Outcomes
in Patients on the Same Ward (Research Letter). JAMA 2016; 316(24): 2674-2675 Published
online December 27, 2016
C, Healy C, Doyle M, et al. The Surgical Safety Huddle: A Novel Quality
Improvement Patient Safety Initiative. Patient Safety 2021; 3(2), 66-77