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Its been 2 years
since our last column on early warning scores for early recognition of clinical
deterioration. But last week, just days apart, there were 2 published reviews
of early warning scores.
The concept behind early warning scores is
simple. Scanning readily collected physiologic data, usually utilizing computer
algorithms, can spot trends suggesting clinical deterioration that might otherwise
not be recognized at an early stage where intervention might be useful.
Our previous columns, listed below, have
highlighted both successes and failures of early warning scores, as well as the
successes and failures of the rapid response interventions designed to rescue
patients having signs of clinical deterioration.
Liu and colleagues (Liu
2020) retrospectively applied 5 commonly used early
warning tools to data collected on a large cohort of adult inpatients outside
the ICU in two states. The 5 tools were the National Early Warning Score
(NEWS), Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS), Between the Flags (BTF), Quick
Sequential Sepsis-Related Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA),
and Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS). They also stratified results
based upon whether the patients had suspected infection or not. The authors
acknowledge that SIRS and qSOFA were not developed as
early warning scores for all patients. They were specifically developed for assessing
patients for sepsis, but many hospitals have utilized them for early warnings.
Assessing the area under the receiver operating
characteristic curves (AUCs), they found the NEWS exhibited the highest
discrimination for mortality (AUC 0.87 and 0.86 in California and Illiniois, respectively), followed by the MEWS (AUCs 0.83
and 0.84), qSOFA (AUCs 0.78 and 0.78), SIRS (AUCs
0.76 and 0.76), and BTF (AUCs 0.73 and 0.74).
A similar pattern was seen in the suspected
infection cohort, with the NEWS demonstrating the highest AUC for both outcomes
across both states, followed by the MEWS. Even among patients with infection,
the discrimination of the NEWS and MEWS were higher in all cases than the
infection-specific risk scores.
The authors conclude that, for the goal of detecting
clinical deterioration in hospitalized, non-ICU patients, aggregate weighted
risk scores, such as those determined with NEWS and MEWS, outperform
infection-specific scores, even among patients with suspected infection.
Weve always been biased against use of SIRS. When Medicare and other third party payers used SIRS criteria to allow for coding
for a diagnosis of sepsis, we saw an interesting phenomenon: mortality for both
sepsis and pneumonia decreased. Why? We would see a patient with pneumonia
happily pushing his IV pole as he walked up and down the hallway on a typical
med-surg floor. But because he met 2 of the SIRS criteria, the clinical
documentation specialists that many hospitals contracted with, would recommend
coding that patient as sepsis, hardly what we clinicians would have called sepsis
in the past. The result was that patients not likely to die (like the one
mentioned above) were now included with all patients with sepsis, diluting out
that population that might have previously had a high mortality rate. Similarly,
patients with pneumonia who might have had a high mortality rate were now moved
to the sepsis category, reducing the overall pneumonia mortality rate.
But the Liu study found the scores of most of
the early warning systems were good predictors of mortality. On the other hand,
for the combined outcome of ICU transfer or death discrimination was only poor
to adequate. That of course, is important because the goal of early warning
systems is to improve the identification of high-risk patients and enable
clinical interventions that can mitigate or prevent deterioration, including
proactive transfer to the ICU.
That brings us to the second publication.
Gerry and colleagues (Gerry 2020) performed
a systematic review and critical analysis of early warning score tools and
found that, despite their widespread use, many early warning scores in clinical
use were found to have methodological weaknesses.
Death was the most frequent prediction
outcome for development studies and validation studies, with different time
horizons (the most frequent was 24 hours). The most common predictors were
respiratory rate, heart rate, oxygen saturation, temperature, and systolic
blood pressure. Age and sex were less frequently included. They found that key
details of the analysis populations were often not reported in development
studies or validation studies and small sample sizes and insufficient numbers
of event patients were common. Moreover, missing data were often discarded. Only
nine of the early warning scores that were developed were presented in sufficient
detail to allow individualized risk prediction. All included studies were rated
at high risk of bias.
The authors note that
many of the early warning scoring systems were originally developed in the
paper-based chart era and scores were calculated manually, necessitating simple
scoring systems. They point out that points were often assigned equally to each
vital sign, assuming
that each vital sign has
the same predictive value, which may not be the case. That may result in a
total score that has little meaning. They do note that the move to computerized
algorithms and machine learning has the potential to improve early warning
systems. Many of the barriers to success of early warning systems that we
discussed in our July 15, 2014 Patient
Safety Tip of the Week Barriers
to Success of Early Warning Systems had
to do with manual data collection and computation of scores. Our November 11,
2014 Patient Safety Tip of the Week Early
Detection of Clinical Deterioration
described how use of wireless handheld computing devices to replace a
paper-based vital sign charting and use of computerized tools led to early
recognition of and response to patient deterioration, resulting in improved
mortality rates. Several of our other columns have discussed EMR-based early
warning scores with good predictability, especially for early identification of
sepsis and septic shock (see our Patient Safety Tip of the Week for September 8, 2015 TREWScore for Early
Recognition of Sepsis and our What's New in
the Patient Safety World columns for October 2015 Even
Earlier Recognition of Severe Sepsis and
June 2016 An EMR-Based Early Warning Score).
And our February 2015 What's New in the
Patient Safety World column Detecting
Clinical Deterioration: Dont Neglect Clinical Impression
reminded us not to neglect the value of the clinical impression a nurse or
physician has about the patients status. In that column we noted a study that
added the question How likely is
this patient to suffer a cardiac arrest or require emergent transfer to the ICU
in the next 24 hours? improved the
predictive value of at least one early warning system tool (Patel 2015).
of course, the success or failure of any early warning system depends upon what
you do with it. Our multiple columns listed below demonstrate the mixed
outcomes of rapid response teams and rapid response systems.
of our other columns on MEWS or recognition of clinical deterioration:
other columns on rapid response teams:
Liu VX, Lu Y, Carey KA, et al. Comparison of
Early Warning Scoring Systems for Hospitalized Patients With
and Without Infection at Risk for In-Hospital Mortality and Transfer to the
Intensive Care Unit. JAMA Netw Open 2020; 3(5): e205191
Gerry Stephen, Bonnici Timothy, Birks
Jacqueline, Kirtley Shona, Virdee
Pradeep S, Watkinson Peter J et al. Early warning scores for detecting
deterioration in adult hospital patients: systematic review and critical
appraisal of methodology BMJ 2020; 369 :m1501
Patel AR, Zadravecz
FJ, Young RS, et al. The Value of Clinical Judgment in the Detection of
Clinical Deterioration. JAMA Intern Med 2015; 175(3): 456-458 Published online
January 05, 2015
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