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A Primer on Deprescribing
Wu and colleagues
recently did a systemic review of systemic reviews on deprescribing in the
elderly (Wu 2021) and it serves as an excellent introduction
or primer on the topic. They conclude that the evidence suggests deprescribing
is safe and feasible as a management strategy in patients at risk of
medication-related problems. The literature shows that deprescribing can reduce
the number of potentially inappropriate medications and rarely causes adverse
drug withdrawal events. However, the authors note there is actually
limited evidence of its effects on global and geriatric outcomes, such
as falls, hospitalization, cognitive and physical function decline. Though
common sense dictates that patient outcomes will be improved by deprescribing
potentially inappropriate drugs in the elderly, studies on deprescribing have
been limited by small sample sizes, confounding factors, and the lack of
long-term follow up.
The review has a
nice table listing the challenges and solutions of implementing deprescribing
at the patient, healthcare professional, and health system levels. We just
discussed many of those challenges in our June 29, 2021 Patient Safety Tip of the Week Barriers
to Deprescribing.
Patient challenges
include poor health literacy, reluctance to discontinue medications based on
false beliefs, and fact that patients are often not involved in decision making
about the use of medications. At the healthcare professional level, time
constraints, lack of formal training on deprescribing, and the complexity and
multiple comorbidities of the geriatric patient are challenges. At the health
system level, fragmentation of care and poor communication between providers is
the primary challenge.
They discuss the role of educational solutions at each of
those three levels. While educational interventions are necessary, weve always
pointed out that they are generally among the weakest solutions to any problem.
Wu et al. do note that provision of deprescribing protocols and use of explicit
criteria to guide medication review have proven to be effective in achieving
deprescribing. And they discuss the role of computer clinical decision support
tool, noting that most studies have demonstrated CDS tools do result in
reduction of potentially inappropriate medications in the elderly. But, again,
even those studies have yet to demonstrate improvement in hard patient
outcomes. They also discuss the use of quality indicators, which may be tied to
financial incentives, public reporting, accreditation, or continued
professional development. However, they note that use of some quality
indicators, particularly when tied to financial incentives, may have unintended
consequences (such as healthcare providers turning away specific types of
patients that might reduce their quality indicator scores). They provide a
table with the New South Wales (Australia) Therapeutic Advisory Group (NSW TAG)
Polypharmacy Quality Use of Medicines (QUM) Indicators as an example of the
kinds of quality indicators you might consider.
The Wu review is a
good place to start for those just getting started with deprescribing and has a
good bibliography to help you identify relevant studies. It also points out the
dearth of research linking results of deprescribing to actual patient outcomes.
We hope youll go back to our June 29, 2021 Patient Safety Tip of the Week Barriers to Deprescribing and the multiple other columns weve done
on deprescribing and potentially inappropriate medications in the elderly..
Some of our past
columns on deprescribing:
Some of our past
columns on Beers List and
Inappropriate Prescribing in the Elderly:
- January 15, 2008 Managing Dangerous Medications in the Elderly
- June 2008 Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Elderly
Hospitalized Patients
- October 19, 2010 Optimizing Medications in the Elderly
- September 22, 2009 Psychotropic Drugs and Falls in the SNF
- September 2010 Beers List and CPOE
- June 21, 2011 STOPP Using Beers List?
- December 2011 Beers Criteria Update in
the Works
- May 7, 2013 Drug Errors in the Home
- November 12, 2013 More on Inappropriate Meds
in the Elderly
- January 28, 2014 Is Polypharmacy Always Bad?
- March 4, 2014 Evidence-Based Prescribing
and Deprescribing in the Elderly
- September 30, 2014 More on Deprescribing
- February 10, 2015 The Anticholinergic Burden
and Dementia
- May 2015 Hospitalization: Missed
Opportunity to Deprescribe
- July 2015 Tools for Deprescribing
- November 2015 Medications Most Likely to
Harm the Elderly Are
- August 2, 2016 Drugs in the Elderly: The Goldilocks Story
- October 31, 2017 Target Drugs for Deprescribing
- January 2018 What Happens After Delirium?
- May 2018 Antipsychotic Use in Nursing Homes: Progress or Not?
- June 2018 Deprescribing Benzodiazepine Receptor Agonists
- October 2018 STOPP/START/STRIP
- November 27, 2018 Focus on Deprescribing
- March 19, 2019 Updated Beers Criteria
- March 10, 2020 Medication Harm in the Elderly
- June 2020 The Antipsychotics in Dementia Conundrum
- February 2021 Under the Radar: Muscle Relaxant Use
- April 2021 Alarming Use of Fall-Prone Medications in 65+ Patients
- June 29, 2021 Barriers to Deprescribing
Wu H, Kouladjian O'Donnell L, Fujita K, et al. Deprescribing in
the Older Patient: A Narrative Review of Challenges and Solutions.
International Journal of General Medicine 2021; 14: 3793-3807
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